
This Prehistoric Spring is Florida’s Most Mystical Hidden Gem

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Nestled in the heart of North Central Florida, Devil's Den Spring is an unforgettable destination you don't want to miss.

As you walk across the wooden bridge, the sight of a karst window with crystal-clear waters below will captivate your senses.

Once a hidden gem, this prehistoric wonder has now become a must-visit location for divers, snorkelers, and nature enthusiasts alike.

Entrance to Devil's Den

Descending into the spring, you'll feel the cool air as you approach the rugged staircase. The sun streams through the opening above, illuminating the breathtaking underwater cavern.

Rich in fossil discoveries and geological wonders, Devil's Den Spring transports you back in time as you explore this unique underwater playground.

Devil's Den Spring will delight you at every turn, from the lush forest on the surface to the striking subterranean environment.

Whether it's a weekend getaway or a satisfying day trip, this natural treasure is guaranteed to leave a lasting impression on both experienced divers and curious sightseers.

History of Devil's Den Spring

Geological Formation

You may know Devil's Den Spring as a fascinating underwater cave with crystal-clear water.

But have you ever wondered about its formation?

The spring was created over millions of years due to acidic water's dissolution of soluble bedrock.

Devil's Den From above
From outside, it looks like one more beautiful spring but the real surprise is hidden inside

As the limestone eventually eroded, a karst window was exposed, allowing you to see the underground spring today.

Human Discoveries

Stepping back in time, humans first discovered Devil's Den Spring around 7,500 BCE.

You'll find archaeological evidence of early Native Americans, including the remains of extinct Pleistocene animals like mastodons, dating back to more than 10,000 years ago.

Additionally, your exploration will reveal numerous artifacts, such as pottery shards, arrowheads, and tools that tell a story of the people who once lived in this area.

Throughout the years, various cultures and settlers continued to utilize the spring. Today, you can learn about its history and immerse yourself in the beauty of nature, making it a truly unique destination.

Features of Devil's Den Spring

Devil's Den, Florida

Geology and Water Quality

At Devil's Den Spring, you'll find an impressive karst window or a collapsed cave with a blue pool of water below.

This subterranean swimming hole features crystal-clear water that remains a constant 72 degrees Fahrenheit (22 degrees Celsius) year-round.

The water in the spring is of high quality, thanks to the natural filtration process as it flows through limestone caves. The spring's water composition is primarily freshwater, with trace amounts of dissolved minerals.


While exploring Devil's Den Spring, you'll encounter a variety of wildlife both in and around the spring. Some iconic aquatic species include:

  • Freshwater fish: bass, bluegill, and catfish
  • Turtles: various species seek shelter in the spring's clear waters
  • Snapping turtles: found lurking in the depths of the Spring

The surrounding areas of Devil's Den Spring provide a habitat for several terrestrial species. You may spot:

  • Birds: a diverse range of species, including wading birds and songbirds
  • Mammals: raccoons, rabbits, and occasionally deer
  • Reptiles and amphibians: snakes, frogs, and salamanders

As you explore Devil's Den Spring, please remember to maintain a respectful distance from the wildlife and their habitats for your safety.

Activities at Devil's Den Spring

Scuba Diving

You can experience an incredible scuba diving adventure at Devil's Den Spring. As you descend into the prehistoric spring, you will notice fascinating rock formations, fossils, and aquatic life.

Remember to bring your certification card as proof of your scuba diving experience. If you are a beginner or need a refresher course, consider contacting local dive shops to arrange for the appropriate training.


Snorkeling is another fantastic way to explore Devil's Den Spring if scuba diving isn't your thing.

As you glide through the crystal-clear waters, you will be able to observe the captivating underwater scenery and various fish species.

Snorkeling gear is available for rent on-site, but you are also welcome to bring your own equipment.


Devil's Den Spring offers a unique and picturesque setting for photography enthusiasts.

Capture stunning images of the cave entrance, limestone formations, and the abundant plant life that surrounds the spring. Underwater photography is also possible if you have the appropriate gear.

When taking your shots, just be mindful of other visitors and the delicate natural environment.

  • Scuba diving: Experience an adventurous dive into the prehistoric spring.
  • Snorkeling: Glide through crystal-clear waters and observe underwater scenery.
  • Photography: Capture stunning images of cave entrance, limestone formations, and plant life.

Conservation Efforts

At Devil's Den Spring, you are encouraged to participate in conservation efforts to preserve the spring's natural beauty and diverse ecosystem.

There are several initiatives in place to support these efforts, and here are a few ways you can contribute to the cause.

Firstly, when visiting the spring, follow the designated trails and avoid venturing off the path. By doing so, you help protect the delicate flora and fauna that inhabit the area.

Also, adhere to the "Leave No Trace" principle by properly picking up your trash and disposing of it.

Another way you can support conservation efforts is by joining local organizations working to preserve Devil's Den Spring.

These groups strive to maintain the spring's pristine condition, raise awareness about its ecological importance, and encourage responsible tourism.

In addition to the on-site measures, promoting the conservation of Devil's Den Spring on social media raises awareness of its beauty and ecological significance.

Share your experiences and photos of the spring, highlighting your commitment to sustainable tourism practices. Encourage friends and family to do the same, and advocate for responsible behavior while in the area.

By understanding and supporting these conservation efforts, you play an essential role in preserving Devil's Den Spring for future generations to experience and appreciate.

Remember that your actions can make a difference in the protection of this priceless natural treasure.

Visiting Devil's Den Spring


You'll want to head to Williston, Florida to visit Devil's Den Spring. You'll follow U.S. Highway 27, and then turn at NE 180th Ave. Follow the signs for a few miles to reach the entrance of Devil's Den.

Hours and Fees

Devil's Den Spring is open daily, with varying hours depending on the season:

  • Summer (May 1 - Sep 30): 9 am - 5 pm
  • Winter (Oct 1 - Apr 30): 9 am - 4 pm

Here's a quick breakdown of the fees and rentals:

Activity Price
Snorkeling $15 per person
Scuba Diving $38 per person
Equipment Rental Varies

Keep in mind that children under the age of 6 are not allowed at Devil's Den. Check the official website for the most up-to-date hours and fees.

Safety Precautions

When visiting Devil's Den Spring, your safety is a priority. Keep the following safety precautions in mind:

  • Always swim with a buddy.
  • If you're scuba diving, ensure you're properly certified or have a certified instructor.
  • Avoid touching or disturbing plants and wildlife in the spring.
  • Use caution on the slippery, wet surfaces surrounding the spring.

Following these guidelines can help ensure a safe and enjoyable visit to Devil's Den Spring.

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    • Bob, I hope others can chime in on this. I find that hotels are often a personal choice. We used to live not far from there, so this would be a day trip. Hence, no personal recommendations here.

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